
The sweet, subtle space between doing

Where being can unfold

And the true essence of existence

Bubbles up to breathe

On the surface of self

An openness ripe with potential

Nothing is happening

Everything just is

Aversion from the fear

Of facing what’s there

Demands distraction

Constantly directing awareness outward

To external circumstances

Busying mind with processing input

Leaving no time or space

To focus on and feel

What’s already there

We continue to pile on the layers of occurrence

Like a run on sentence

Leaving no room to pause,

To catch our breath,

To notice the slight change

In cadence and in tone

We rush to get to an end that never comes...

Remember you can edit as you go along,

Add some punctuation

Take a moment

To pause,

To collect,

To listen to

The words you’ve read before continuing On

poetry, PoetryBri McComeskey